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New Hampshire’s Pathway to Equitable Oral Health Care
Teledentistry: A New Era for Oral Health
Paul Glassman DDS, MA, MBA
College of Dental Medicine
California Northstate University
May 6, 2021
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Teledentistry: A New Era for Oral Health There has been increasing interest over the last several years in using teledentistry systems and community-connected teams to reach people who are not having regular dental care. The COVID Pandemic has accelerated this interest and search for solutions. This program will provide an overview of the development of teledentistry in the oral health industry, specific recommendations for staying in touch with patients and proving dental care in the current environment, and considerations for using teledentistry to enhance dental practices as we move into the post-COVID world.
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Priorities in Advancing Oral Health Equity
RADM Timothy L. Ricks, DMD, MPH, FICD
Chief Dental Director, U.S. Public Service
Assistant Surgeon General
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Priorities in Advancing Oral Health Equity Rear Admiral Ricks is an Assistant Surgeon General and serves as the oral health lead in that role. He will provide a snapshot of the current oral health inequities in the US including that in rural America and a summary of COVID-19 and oral health during the pandemic including discussing the impact on the delivery of care and opportunities for the future. Additionally, he will provide an overview of the objectives for Healthy People 2030 and of the forthcoming Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health. He will focus remarks on the pathways to access for equitable oral health through our state and the nation.
Why Now?
(fireside chat)
Steve Geiermann, DDS
American Dental Association
Dr. Geiermann will highlight the current factors including adaptations during COVID and new technologies that have aligned to make NOW the perfect time to address and propose new models of oral health and dental services in our communities. He will open and guide the conversation to support our thinking outside of the box.